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HomeMembership Info



Complete the membership application here. (If you renewing, please go to your Login above).


Brookland Village members are a diverse group of neighbors, ages 18 and over, who live in Brookland, Brentwood, Langdon, Woodridge or University Heights. We are making this neighborhood a more connected and supportive multigenerational place to live and grow older.

Our members create an interconnected web of support for one another. 


Social connection increases happiness and is associated with better health and a longer life. To combat the negative mental and physical health effects of social isolation, the Village creates opportunities for you to connect with your neighbors. We do this by organizing regular social, wellness and educational programs in the neighborhood (and virtually). You'll be surprised how quickly you begin to build friendships (or reconnect) with neighbors of all ages, races and cultural backgrounds.

By building relationships with your neighbors, you're not only improving individual and community health but you are also building a network of support. The Village will support you through challenging times or with things you simply cannot do, or don't want to do, alone. Members help each other with things like, yard work, technology troubles, warm meals, grocery deliveries, household chores and repairs, and soon, rides to medical appointments. No one should feel guilty or ashamed for asking for help.

Village members say the best part about being a member is the convenience of having friends, and a safety net, within walking distance.


How to Choose Your Membership Type

Ask yourself if you want to receive Volunteer support

  • If 'No', choose Supporting Membership
  • If 'Yes', choose Full Service Membership

Supporting Membership
Supporting Members participate in social, wellness, and educational programs around the neighborhood. In addition to partaking in programs and events, Supporting Members are encouraged to volunteer when they can. Supporting Members, after completing a volunteer training, can assist our Full Service Members with things like household maintenance, technological assistance, yard work, as well as transportation. Supporting Members do not draw on volunteer services.

Full Service Membership

Full Service Members can request volunteer services, such as, household maintenance, technological assistance, yard work, as well as transportation. In addition, Full Service Members participate in social, wellness, and educational programs and events around the neighborhood. Adhering to the Village model, Full Service Members can also volunteer.


We offer affordable membership so that finances are not a barrier for any of our neighbors. We also depend on membership dues for the long-term sustainability of our programs and services, so if you are able to contribute at a higher level, please know you are supporting the whole village.   

We offer sliding scale membership, from $0-$300, to ensure neighbors on a limited or fixed income can join. 

Annual Membership dues are as follows:

Membership Type           Rate Rage  
 Supporting Membership  $0 - $125 
 Full Service Membership   $0 - $300

Why do we collect dues?  

Dues support all of the activities, programs, and services that you receive. They help pay for speaker fees, venues, food and beverage, Village staff, our website, and more!


In order to become a GBIV member, individuals must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be a resident of Greater Brookland, which includes: Brookland, Brentwood, Langdon, Woodridge, & University Heights (Supporting Members are able to live outside of these boundaries, as long as you’re in Ward 5)

  • Be responsible for, and capable of, making key decisions about one’s own life either independently or with support from a named caregiver

  • Live in a residence that presents no known threats to health and safety

  • Be able to meet personal care needs, either through self-care or from a named caregiver


Complete the membership application here to become a Full Service or Supporting Member. As part of the application process, Full Service Members will receive a phone call from Village staff to discuss their interest and needs. 

“I really appreciated the ‘Five Wishes Workshop’ that GBIV hosted. I was grateful to discuss meaningful topics that impacted all of us in a safe and supportive environment.”—Melanie